Getting Started


Step 1

Go to

Use these sample keys to test and make sure it satisfies your requirements:

Vendor Key :BCF756D4-DCE6-4F2B-BAAE-7679D87037A7

Auth/Client Key :AAC6DB7A-5A66-4EBC-B694-D6BCD99881CB


Appt ID :681

Step 2

Please go to Our Industry Partners | Planet DDS and click on "Partner with Us" to submit a request.
This will begin the process of exploring a partnership with Planet DDS.

Step 3

If you sign a multi-location agreement, then you will be listed as an approved vendor.

If you sign a single customer agreement you will be authorized for that customer only.

You will be provided with a Denticon Demo account in PGID = 3129.

Need access to a new client or a new office location?

Direct clients to go to

Click "Getting Started" and check the Client's section

Have a feature request regarding API?

Login to Denticon and submit a Feature request from Help->Submit new request

Issues with Denticon API?

Login to Denticon and submit a ticket from Help->Get Help (Your PGID is 3129).

If the issue is not resolved within 6 weeks or is considered URGENT,
update the ticket or submit a new Denticon ticket but prefix as "Tier-3"

Github Sample Code

Get everything you need to call our API.


Step 1

Login to Denticon

Go to Setup -> Offices -> and API Vendor Settings
Step 2
On the left hand side of the screen, you can see the list of vendors that are assigned to this PGID. Click on a vendor name to see which OIDs that vendor currently has access to.
Step 3

To give vendor access to selected or all OIDs, select the vendor you'd like to modify and click edit.

Step 4

To grant OID access to a vendor, move the OID from the available column to the assigned column and click save.

How do I activate a Vendor for my PGID?

On the Vendor API Settings screen click on the 'Add Vendor' button. On the new popup modal, select the Vendor that you would like to activate and then click on 'Activate'.

Issues with Vendor Integration?

Contact your vendor directly.

If they cannot resolve the issue then login to Denticon and submit a ticket from Help -> Get Help